Your Dentist May First Notice Signs of Osteorperosis

Your oral health can be hurt by a condition like osteoporosis. Typically, osteoporosis affects people over the age of 60, but it can occur at any age. Your body is constantly absorbing bone tissue and replacing it, but in osteoporosis, your body’s new bone creation isn’t keeping up with its old bone renewal. This means your bone may become weak or break even in a minor fall. In extreme cases, you can break a bone by simply sneezing or running into something. This may sound strange to some, but when you think of the definition of osteoporosis, which literally means “porous bone,” you can understand how easily a weakened bone can break.


Dentists & Recognizing Osteoporosis

While your dentist can’t diagnose osteoporosis, they will probably be the first to recognize its signs and symptoms. Some signs your dentist may notice include:

  • Bone loss around your teeth and in your jaw.
  • Gum disease and/or tooth loss.
  • Loose or ill-fitting dentures.

Your dental x-rays may reveal a sudden decrease in the bone density in your jaw, and year over year your dentist may see bone loss in your jaw as a sign that something isn’t quite right. There are ways to you can prevent osteoporosis, and they involve lifestyle choices.


How Can I Prevent Osteoporosis?

The best way to prevent osteoporosis is to make smart lifestyle choices. These choices include:

  • Getting enough calcium is imperative! Each calcium-rich foods or take calcium supplements.
  • Exercise: Weight-bearing exercise and muscle-strengthening exercise will give you stronger bones.
  • Decrease alcohol and caffeine intake.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Get enough Vitamin D in your diet.

Osteoporosis is a chronic condition that can’t be cured, but treatment will help. See your dentist regularly, and this can help diagnose osteoporosis as early as possible.

For more interesting dental facts, come see us at North Tonawanda Family Dentistry. Give us a call or schedule your appointment online.